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Attention: This is the perfect book for anyone who’s been affected by cancer and wants to know practical solutions on how to spark joy again in their relationships!

Dr Amanda's New Book - Sex & Cancer - reveals…

“How to reclaim your ultimate body and sexual confidence”

Dr Amanda says, "my new book has been described as 'A brilliant and practical one-stop resource, lifting the taboo on cancer, sex and intimacy.'" It's available today for Only $7!


I'm Dr Amanda Hordern and my new book, Sex & Cancer, has hit international book stores.


You can be one of the first to get a PDF e-book copy for only $7 or for a little more, you can upgrade to the Paperback.

Whether you are recently diagnosed, living with uncertainty, or moving forward after cancer, you've been flooded with information, treatment options, and a wealth of support across so many areas, except one. You are left pondering how to reconnect with your body, how to maintain or rebuild your confidence and intimacy, and how to adjust back into the world without the Big C looming over you.

If you want to empower yourself or a loved one to reignite that spark, or as a professional, you want to know how to start the conversation with your patients and offer real, actionable advice... keep reading, this message is for YOU.

But before I tell you more about how my book will help you find your purpose again, so you can move forward feeling a much-needed body confidence...

Ask yourself this...

Have you been feeling overwhelmed and let down by your body? Have you been feeling invisible, not believing that you still can be desired? Have you ever thought that your life has been cut in half by cancer and now you have no direction?


You’re not alone, keep reading.

Whether you’re before, during or after your treatment, are a partner of a person who has/had cancer, or a professional wanting to provide the right support at the right time, it’s important to seek answers without shame and judgement. 

This book’s open and free approach to factual information will help you to find your spark again, or to walk beside your loved one to support their journey of rediscovery.

Why is this journey so agonising for some? Why do people feel scared to talk about their desires? It is time to open up the taboo subject of sex and cancer.

You might be wondering, how do I know this?

Because I’ve dedicated my life to providing the right information, at the right time, in the right manner to the cancer community. I’m a leading Australian health expert, my aim is to lift the lid off the taboo of sex and cancer. My extensive and pragmatic knowledge is built from years of experience as an Executive Director of Cancer Information and Support at Cancer Council Victoria, and decades of counselling, teaching, and research in cancer and palliative care.


Drawing on the latest evidence in neuroscience, I’ve assisted thousands of patients to ‘reprogram’ their minds to embrace measurable and uplifting changes in their lives, no matter what age, culture, gender, or stage of cancer. 

So, please reflect honestly and consider, if….

  • ​You’ve lost confidence in your body and don’t know what to do
  • ​You keep wondering about coping with the changes in your life
  • ​You have difficulty rebuilding intimacy in your life
  • ​You struggle to see yourself as a person who can be loved and desired
  • ​You lost your libido and now you’re scared that you’re going to lose your partner, too

And you just wish that life has returned to normal but you find it hard to see what ‘normal’ is for you and your loved one at this stage of your life.

Well, you’re certainly not alone and the good news is… My book is here to help you eliminate all the shame, doubt and struggle from your life and reignite that must-needed spark.

It’s time to take charge with my incredible new book….

You too can learn how to rediscover yourself inside and out without the fear of being judged. Learn how to talk freely about sex and intimacy not just with your partner but also with your healthcare professional. Discover how to deal with the changes in your body to reclaim your sexual confidence and joy. Find reliable and practical advice and a myriad of sources to rewire your brain, so you become a better version of you.

Learn to explore what you really want and freely ask the questions that normally would make you feel shy and embarrassed. My book will give you research-based, practical advice and techniques to rebuild yourself, your relationship and your life goals. 

  • ​Let go of the shame about your feelings and needs
  •  Stop feeling lost and undesirable
  •  Break down the taboo of sex
  • ​Reactivate your libido and let go of fears that you might lose your partner too

It is possible to break free from the stigma of cancer and enjoy sex and intimacy just like before the Big C. It is possible to reignite the joy and spark in your life by learning positive self-talk and asking all the important questions without shame and guilt.

Let go of the worry and misinformation. Feel free to discover yourself without judgment.

Eliminate all outdated beliefs and misconceptions about cancer and sex.

Sex & Cancer is the solution for you to start a confident, new chapter of your life.

Here's a taste of what my book


Will Do For You:

A must-read, brilliant and practical one-stop resource, lifting the taboo on cancer, sex and intimacy.”

By the time you’ve finished reading this book, you will reconnect with yourself and learn how to focus on life’s pleasures once again. You will learn to accept and love your body, embracing the changes. You will learn to feel more comfortable with scars and body changes and be confident to find those important answers to questions you've been afraid to ask.

Whether you are single, partnered, or searching for an intimate companion, I believe that this is your time to shine. Take control over your life and see for yourself that an exciting journey exists beyond cancer.

Work your way through my new book to learn how to bring the spark back into your life.

CHAPTER 1 – The great taboo: Bringing sex out from under the sheets

In this chapter, you will learn to reflect on the diversity of all that sex, intimacy, and perhaps the greatest taboo of all, masturbation, means for you right now and into the future (p. 13). You will hear about the benefits of establishing and maintaining a sex life that energises you and brings you joy. (p.20)

CHAPTER 2 – Debunking the myths: Mixed messages and misconceptions about sex after cancer

Read through the most comprehensive list of Q & As relating to sex & Cancer: answering all the questions you have been too shy to ask. (p. 23).  

CHAPTER 3 – You have the big C: How cancer treatment impacts your sex life

Learn about body confidence, self-esteem, and relationships (p. 33). Discover that sex and intimacy mean different things to different people at different stages of their lives (p. 37). Learn how different diagnoses and treatment types can affect your sex life (p. 40).

CHAPTER 4 – Sex talk: Communicating with confidence about how your body feels after cancer

This chapter will help you reflect on what you are searching for in the intimacy and sex department of your life (p. 61). Discover tried and tested opening lines to get you started talking to your health care team, your partner, and even what to say to a new partner in your life (p. 67).

CHAPTER 5 – I’ve never been comfortable with the whole sex thing

Help to identify old beliefs, barriers, and mindsets, which have the potential to get in your way of reclaiming your sexual confidence and spark. (p. 73).

Learn to get in touch with what goes on in your head when you think about sex, intimacy, and masturbation (p. 81).

CHAPTER 6 – Eliminating the outdated beliefs and concerns that hold you back

Reflect on what sex and intimacy have meant to you before and after cancer

(p. 87). Discover the ways that the latest findings from neuroscience can ‘reset’ your brain defaults, override old beliefs and mind programs, and transform your sexual and intimate world (p. 93). Explore 10 tried and tested activities to embrace right now that have the potential to increase your energy, interest, and desire for sex.

CHAPTER 7 – Connect with your body: It is all in the mind

In this chapter we will join the dots between mind and body sexual pleasure: now that you’re in the mood for sexual pleasure I’ll reveal a step-by-step approach to arouse your body and manage the side effects of cancer treatment (p. 117). Learn how to find the time, energy, and inclination for sex when there has been pain, incontinence, or a stoma (p. 132).

CHAPTER 8 - Who am I now? I didn’t know what I didn’t know

Learn to utilise your WHY factor to empower you and reflect on all that you have come to understand in your mind and your body (p. 135). Download a range of free resources to assist you on your journey (p. 144).

1. Learn how to ask the questions you really want to know about sex and cancer

2. Discover what sex and intimacy really mean for you, so you can reclaim your confidence and spark

3. Get rid of the outdated information and find out how you can increase your energy and desire

4. Change your mindset and learn to love yourself inside and out

At this point, you're probably wondering what's the investment for you to get this incredible book?

The digital PDF book is just $7, and you get it instantly as a download, straight to your smartphone or computer, anywhere, anytime. Or if you prefer the paperback you can opt to upgrade once you click to order.

Why just $7 for the PDF version when it's the same great content as the paperback? The reason is straightforward. Sustainability is important for me. I believe in taking care of our environment and reducing my carbon footprint. Though, most importantly, I truly believe that knowledge empowers you and makes you feel more in control of your cancer experience, this knowledge should be accessible at the lowest cost possible.

Also, making this available as a download means anyone who can access the world wide web can access this book from anywhere at any time.

As soon as you place your order today, you will be sent an email receipt with the instructions to access the download, meaning you can download the book and start reading now.

I have done this so you can access your book anywhere, instantly, without having to wait for the post office to get it to you!

And because I want to ensure that you, too, can get your spark back into your life...

I offer you the SEX & CANCER double guarantee:

If you read through my book and find you didn't learn anything remotely new or feel inspired by what you read, just ask for a refund.


All you have to do is ask and you will receive your refund promptly and courteously. You don’t have to show any further proof.

I don't want you to miss out on an incredible opportunity to find all your secret wants, needs, desires, and questions answered, just because you have purchased other books on cancer, sex and intimacy before and feel like you’ve already tried it all.

30 Day ‘Satisfaction Guarantee Or Get Your Money-Back’

My ‘Satisfaction Guaranteed (pardon the pun) or Get Your Money-Back’.

Read through my book, you will not want to put it down. See for yourself how you can rekindle the intimacy in your life. Learn to rediscover your body, to understand what you want, and know-how to say it. Follow along with my book, read the personal stories, have my tips and step-by-step formula on hand, to connect with your body and reclaim your spark

You will be so impressed with the improvement you feel, you will wonder why you’ve let cancer hanging over you for so long. And if you are like 99.9% of my clients and readers, you will be thrilled with the practical methods that you can start using immediately.

However, in the unlikely event, you are not, contact me directly within 30 days and I will courteously and promptly, give you your money back, no strings attached.

Here Is What To Do Next

Here's your next step, so you can finally have all those secret questions answered about sex and cancer, and you can restart your life with a newfound purpose!

The time to act is now.  

The longer you wait the more precious time you waste on feeling alone with your fears. Remember, this is your opportunity to turn your life around and love yourself, internal and external scars and all. 

Click below now and get taken to the secure order page. You can opt for the PDF digital download for just $7 today, or if you prefer to hold a book in your hand, you can upgrade to the paperback and we'll post it to you AND give you the digital download for free so you can still start reading the book today while you wait for the paperback to arrive in the mail.


Check-in with your intuition... is this the book and the help you have been waiting for?


Today, you can feel more confident and get that much-needed support, and start enjoying life again.

There is a cost of inaction:

You can stay silent and deny yourself the basic right to feel desired and sexy. You can hide your need for intimacy and let yourself be held back by outdated ideas.


You can grab your copy of the fully guaranteed SEX & CANCER - CONNECT WITH YOUR BODY AND REKINDLE YOUR SPARK book today for only $7. Get started right now so you can finally reclaim your ultimate body and sexual confidence. 

Let me help you with my book, SEX & CANCER.

PS. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

My downloadable e-book will teach you how to feel confident again in your own body. You will learn to ask those awkward questions to take control of your sex life. You will transform your self-esteem and your relationships. You will rediscover yourself and learn to live a full life enjoying sexual pleasure once again.

Grab the PDF digital download for only $7...

Why only $7? The reason is very simple. Firstly, sustainability is important for me. I believe in reducing my carbon footprint. Secondly, I truly believe that knowledge empowers you to feel more control, the information you need to know about how your cancer experience will affect your body and inner spark, should be accessible at the lowest cost possible.


This is why you will get this book as a digital download meaning you can access it from anywhere at any time without waiting for the post to arrive.


As soon as you place your order today, you'll be sent an email receipt with the instructions to access the download, meaning you can get the book straight away.

From there you can download the book and read it.

PS: if you prefer to hold a book in your hand, you can opt to upgrade your order at the checkout AND still receive the digital download for free so you can start reading today while you wait for the paperback to arrive in the mail.

So grab your copy now.


And if, for any reason, you feel it isn’t going to change your life or if you feel you have heard it all before, you have my money-back guarantee.


Sound fair?

So, what are you waiting for!?!

Grab your copy of SEX & CANCER today!

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